Updates is for you to share news of events in your area with us and to help you to create an international network of events that will link How2 participants together. Please send us your details of reading series, calls for submission to journals and conferences, plus details of launches of new websites, archives etc. that you feel might be of interest to How2 readers and we will post it up.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Dhem Advent!

Very pleased to host the Delirious Hem in tandem w/ Dusie this year...

tis an avante advent calendar fed with chocolate, pussipo poets and words.

Marianne Morris is the day one! Click on her to hear her read a new poem!!!


go here for more on Delirious Hem (a feminist blog & an offspring of the pussipo listserve)


if you are interested in hearing more about pussipo or delirious hem check it out, or backchannel me for more info!


