Updates is for you to share news of events in your area with us and to help you to create an international network of events that will link How2 participants together. Please send us your details of reading series, calls for submission to journals and conferences, plus details of launches of new websites, archives etc. that you feel might be of interest to How2 readers and we will post it up.

Friday 16 February 2007


DEADLINE: Thursday, March 1, 2007

APPLICATION: http://www.rotundagallery.org/rotunda/residency.asp

BCAT/Brooklyn Community Access Television and The Rotunda Gallery, a not-for-profit exhibition space for contemporary art invite artists to submit applications for the 2007 multimedia artist residency program. Each year BCAT makes its audio/video equipment, production studio, and editing facilities available to Brooklyn-based artists along with free training programs to learn how to use cameras and editing software. The goal is to assist artists interested in exploring video and/or multimedia as an artistic medium at no cost, and to provide training and technical assistance in video and digital production and post-production technologies.

BCAT/Brooklyn Community Access Television and The Rotunda Gallery are programs of BRIC/Brooklyn Information & Culture.

This program has been supported by a generous grant from the Electronic Media and Film Program of the New York State Council on the Arts.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists who live or work in the borough of Brooklyn. Artists need not have any previous experience in video or multimedia to apply. Artists who have a strong desire to explore multimedia as a distinct medium or as part of an interdisciplinary approach to art making are encouraged to apply. Note that the purpose of the residency is to support artistic production as opposed to marketing or promotional projects. Artists currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs OR who completed BCAT residencies in 2005-2006 are not eligible to apply.

MORE INFO: Patrick Grenier, Associate Director <pgrenier@briconline.org>


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