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Saturday, 8 March 2008

How to Make Europe Dream?: A Cultural Congress

The European community will only be built as an imaginative community. This two-day congress brings to London writers, artists, musicians, philosophers, filmmakers and others to discuss the future of the arts in Europe. Including workshops on: translation, the tradition, the Mediterranean and arts and engagement, and a special workshop coordinated by the research cluster Critical Practice by the title "What is Cultural about Economics?"

Highlights of the congress include What's Cultural About Economics?, 4-6pm on Sun 16 Mar. Based on the model of the ancient bazaar, Critical Practice will organise a Market of Ideas in which 'stalls' organised by artists, anthropologists, economists and others will exchange their knowledge with the milling crowd. Two evening debates will focus on Dreaming of Europe in the Arts and Towards a European Cultural Avant-Garde, featuring Hans Ulrich Obrist and Gianni Vattimo.

The congress will form a major part of the London Festival of Europe 2008, a series of free lectures, debates and art events running from 6th - 16th March, organised by the independent, non-profit group of writers, artists and activists European Alternatives. The London Festival of Europe is an annual two-week series of events engaging with contemporary European politics, society and cultures. It promotes public discussion of European issues and celebrates cultural exchange.

The first London Festival of Europe was in March 2007. Over 10 days some of London's most prestigious venues were host to debates, lectures and film screenings covering a wide range of topics from the environment and the European social model to artistic relations between Europe and China. Over 1500 people attended the 2007 festival, which was opened by Zygmunt Bauman.

In addition to the program in London, several outreach events will be staged in Warsaw, Milan and Rome, to add a trans-European aspect to the festival. To promote maximum participation from a diverse audience, most of the events at the Festival will be FREE to attend, but registration advised:

What: How to Make Europe Dream? - A Cultural Congress

Banqueting Hall, Chelsea College of Art and Design, 16 John Islip Street, London, SW1P 4JU

Sat 15 Mar, 12.30 - 7pm and Sun 16 Mar, 1 - 7.30pm

Further Details:

Contact: register: editors@euroalter.com


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