Updates is for you to share news of events in your area with us and to help you to create an international network of events that will link How2 participants together. Please send us your details of reading series, calls for submission to journals and conferences, plus details of launches of new websites, archives etc. that you feel might be of interest to How2 readers and we will post it up.

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Last Call for Submissions: Tarpaulin Sky Press

The deadline is around the corner: the open reading period for Tarpaulin Sky Press ends October 31, 2007.

We will consider both chapbook and full-length manuscripts. Please do not query first; simply mail the manuscript according to the directions below.

Past contributors to the journal-as well as writers whose work has been accepted for publication in future issues-may submit their manuscripts with no reading fee. Writers who have not been published in our journal should include a $20 reading fee--which will also entitle them to a free trade paperback edition of the TSky Press book of their choice. Be sure to indicate which title you would like to receive, and include a self-addressed envelope 6"x9" or larger so we may mail your book.

Cover letters are read with interest. We like to know who your are, what you're up to, and where we can read more of your work. We do accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you let us know immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere. Individual pieces from the manuscript may have been previously published in magazines and anthologies, but the
collection as a whole must be unpublished.

Be sure that your title page includes your name, address, telephone number, email address, etc. Send one copy of your manuscript submission with two copies of the title page. For notification of decisions, include a business-sized SASE. If you would like to receive acknowledgment of the receipt of your manuscript, please include a stamped, self-addressed
postcard. Manuscripts cannot be returned. Please do not send us your only copy.

Please make your check payable to Tarpaulin Sky Press. Send your manuscript to

Tarpaulin Sky Press
PO Box 189
Grafton, VT 05146

(Please note the new address. Please note, too, however, that submissions sent to the old address have been received and will continue to be received without problems). Notification of decisions will be made on or before December 15, 2007. Publication of accepted manuscripts will be in Fall 2008 or Spring 2009.


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