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Friday 4 May 2007

EUROPA! EUROPA? Call for Submissions

First bi-annual conference of the
European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM)
29-31 May 2008 - Ghent University, Belgium

With initiatives in the cross-disciplinary fields of avant-garde and modernism studies booming throughout European academia, time has come to provide a more permanent platform in Europe for scholars to meet and discuss their research. The European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM) will devote itself to the study of the avant-garde and modernism in Europe within a global setting, throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. EAM will promote interdisciplinary and intermedial research on experimental aesthetics and poetics, and aims to encourage an interest in the cultural dimensions and contexts of the avant-garde and modernism. The network aspires to embrace the wide variety within avant-garde and modernism studies, and welcomes all scholars engaged in these areas of research to participate in its founding conference.

EAM's first conference will focus on the relation between the avant-garde, modernism and Europe. For more information about potential topics for panel, roundtable and paper proposals, visit: http://www.eam-europe.ugent.be.

Confirmed key-note speakers include: Charles Altieri (University of Berkeley, California), Astradur Eysteinsson (University of Iceland, Reykjavik), Paul Micheal Lützeler (Washington University, St. Louis), William Marx (University of Orléans and University Institute of France) and Piotr Piotrowski (Mickiewicz University, Poznan - Poland).

Conference proposals and papers can be composed in English, French or German.

Deadline for panel proposals: 1 September 2007
Deadline for roundtable proposals: 1 September 2007
Deadline for paper proposals: 1 October 2007

Contact: eam-europe@ugent.be

The conference is sponsored by the Nordic Network of Avant-Garde Studies, the Centre for Modernist Studies at the University of Sussex, the 'Textual Culture: Modernism and Memory' research group of the University of Utrecht, the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Poetics at the University of Liège, the L.P. Boon Centre of Antwerp University, OLITH (Research community in literary theory, Flanders), and the department of Dutch Literature and Literary Theory as well as the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ghent University.

Download Call for Submissions PDF or as Word document


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