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Tuesday 1 May 2007

New issue of kritya - a web journal of poetry


The third edition of Kritya’s festival of poetry is scheduled to be held in late July and this time, it?s going to be an International festival of poetry. To capture the festival distinctively, a number of poets and cultural activists from all over the world will participate in the gathering. To promote the voice of poetry, we are reviving varied voices in art and culture, there is nothing else comparable going on south of the Indian subcontinent. While we have aspirations to earn widespread interest for poetry, we are also putting our necks on the block - but then brass necks are difficult to sever!

Kritya, has grown and thrived in the last couple of years, in almost every way - more events, bigger venues, larger readership and audiences, more awareness and yes, thanks to the faith of the Kritya team for coming this far.

Around 50 poets, from India and abroad will assemble in Trivandrum to present their work. Performance poets and artists will give the festival a cultural dimension.

Rati Saxena


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