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Thursday 5 April 2007

Introducing the Arts Awards with Wellcome Trust

A new funding scheme which continues to support arts projects that engage with biomedical science.


The Wellcome Trust believes the arts are an effective way of stimulating debate and engaging people with biomedical science. Visual art, music, moving image, creative writing and performance can reach new audiences which may not traditionally be interested in science and provide new ways of thinking about the social, cultural and ethical issues around contemporary science. Collaborative and interdisciplinary practice across the arts and sciences can help to provide new perspectives on both fields. The arts can also provide imaginative ways of engaging and educating young people in the field of science.

The Arts Awards support projects that engage the public with biomedical science through the arts. The scheme aims to:
  • stimulate interest, excitement and debate about biomedical science through the arts
  • examine the social, cultural, and ethical impact of biomedical science
  • support formal and informal learning
  • encourage new ways of thinking
  • encourage high quality interdisciplinary practice and collaborative partnerships in arts, science and/or education practice.
  • All art forms are covered by the programme: dance, drama, performance arts, visual arts, music, film, craft, photography, creative writing or digital media.
  • We invite applications for projects which engage adult audiences and/or young people.
Projects should have some biomedical scientific input either through a scientist taking on an advisory role or through direct collaboration. Applicants are encouraged to investigate new methods of interdisciplinary working as well as new models of engagement in biomedical science.

View examples of projects funded through our previous arts funding schemes:
Sciart (arts and science collaboration)
Pulse (young people's arts).

Funding levels
Funding can be applied for at two levels:
Small to medium sized projects (up to and including £30 000)
Funding can either be used to support the development of new project ideas, deliver small-scale productions or workshops, investigate and experiment with new methods of engagement through the arts, or develop new collaborative relationships between artists and scientists.

Large projects (above £30 000)
This funding can be used to fund full or part production costs for large-scale arts projects that aim to have significant impact on the public's engagement with biomedical science. We are also interested in supporting high-quality, multi-audience, multi-outcome projects.

Applicants can apply for any amount within the above boundaries, for projects lasting a maximum of three years.

Who can apply?
Applicants must be based in the UK or the Republic of Ireland and the activity must take place in the UK or Republic of Ireland. Applicants are usually affiliated to organisations, but can apply as individuals.

The scheme is open to a wide range of people including, among others, artists, scientists, curators, filmmakers, writers, producers, directors, academics, science communicators, teachers, arts workers and education officers.

Organisations may include: arts venues; museums and other cultural attractions; arts agencies; production companies; broadcast media; schools; local education authorities; universities and colleges; youth clubs; community groups; research institutes; the NHS; science centres.

How to apply
Applications must be made using the Wellcome Trust application form available at:
Please refer to the application guidelines, evaluation guidelines and Grant Conditions prior to completing the form.
If you would like advice on the eligibility of your project or how to apply, please contact the Arts Awards office well in advance of the deadline.

For small to medium sized projects (up to and including £30 000) there will be four deadlines in 2007: 16 March, 13 July, 28 September and 15 November. Decisions will be made approximately three months after the deadline.

For large projects (over £30 000) the deadline is 27 April 2007. Decisions will be made approximately five months after the deadline.

All projects will be peer reviewed and assessed individually on merit and need by the Funding Committee.

All enquiries and applications should be addressed to:
Arts Awards
Wellcome Trust
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE, UK

T +44 (0)20 7611 7222
F +44 (0)20 7611 8269
E arts@wellcome.ac.uk


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